Presidential Debates


For the most part, Republicans are really stupid.  As an example, during last weeks debates that were held at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, they all seemed to be interested in only one thing, to gang up on Donald Trump, as opposed to truly debating on a host of subjects that truly count or for that matter, their opposition.  Instead, they squandered a lot of valuable air  time on nonsense and intramural bickering.

Even those that ran the debates and asked the questions joined in the fray.  I could not believe my ears when the moderator asked Carly Fiorina to comment on some negative comments that Donald Trump made about her looks.  Who cares?  He should have asked a question that relates to what the prospective voters want to hear about and not those questions that rightfully belong in the papers that adorn the super market check out lines.

Furthermore, I think that by trying to gang up on Trump, it had the reverse effect because all it did  was to give Trump the greatest amount of air time.

Who came across the best?  I think that, in spite of the different manners of delivery, they all spoke well, that is when they were given the opportunity to do so.  Carly Fiorina did especially well and probably better than most of her competitors but she has no chance of winning the election, especially once the opposition points out that she allegedly saved Hewlitt-Packard by farming out some 10,000 or more jobs to southeast Asia.

But since a presidential election is really no different than a gigantic popularity contest, the one whose name is a household word or is at least more widely known to the public, is usually the winner.  Based on that premise, my money is on Trump.

Can the debates be improved upon?  Of course.  Everything can be improved because nothing is ever perfect.  How?  For one thing, the time of the debates can be reduced or cut because three hours is a bit much.  The network, CNN, can also eliminate the bullshit and make it a point to ask only real questions and the number of participants can be shortened by eliminating those marginal candidates that have absolutely no chance of winning the national election.

Even though the network, CNN, is talking of expanding the next televised debate, should this happen, the viewers will lose interest and/or fall asleep.  Or is it the network’s intention to merely sell more advertising time instead of informing the listening and viewing audience of the issues?

In my opinion, the answer is less time, not more – and the field of candidates should be reduced to no more than the top six or so.

4 thoughts on “Presidential Debates”

  1. I love the way you dismissed someone who zoomed from off the charts to 2nd place
    By saying she has no chance cause she farmed out jobs.
    American businesses routinely partner with Asia to keep lower prices and bigger profits
    How about age prejudice? Favoring the youth in our country for jobs
    Rich black folks who don’t help poor black folks
    Moslem Americans who don’t comment about the belief that the Moslems want to hurt us.

    We pay for the sins of wild spending in leveraging in corporate life.
    The CEO of United Airlines walked away with his contract paid 22 million in public money
    Mel Karmazin and Howard sold the stock at a ripe moment and it too was public money
    Cumulus is in the process of a major stockholder bringing a hostile takeover because of
    poor management,
    the top guys will profit greatly from public money. Nothing illegal but scummy.

    Just a few things that a person who has experience might be able to build a team with
    good judgement and contributions.

    Welcome to America
    The White House is a fixer upper in need of many repairs

  2. I love Trump, gives me a reason to emigrate to Canada and enjoy Vancouver’s great climate.

    Apparently Stephen Colbert is interviewing Trump tonight. should be fun.

  3. WOW Stan,

    What broad comments! “For the most part” I guess you were trying to save yourself!

    BTW Carly was asked b/c she looks like a victim in what Donald said about her.
    Truth is she has dished it out before.
    She’s just as catty as anyone making remarks about someone’s appearance when it’s not supposed to be a fashion review.

    She also tried to get all teary eyed about losing a child to drugs. She made it sound like it was a teenager. It was an adult. American’s shouldn’t vote for someone b/c they feel bad for them.

    I do agree with you on this that the next debate should have fewer candidates. Scott Walker is the first step.

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