There will always be conspiracy or revisionist theories. But what if the theory can be documented and is not refuted by the government?
“Who killed Cock Robin?
I, said the Sparrow,
with my bow and arrow,
I killed Cock Robin.”
Does our government ever lie to us? Of course not. They would never do that. Never. Well, almost never. For all you history buffs out there and those who can actually remember the event, we still have a number of unanswered questions regarding the so-called sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and how much FDR really knew prior to December 7, 1941. And let’s not forget the assassination of John F. Kennedy and its unsolved mysteries that linger to this day. Of recent date we have the enigma of the alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction that were supposed to be in Iraq and which were attested to under oath by a variety of experts and intelligence officials. And so it goes.
Following the destruction of the NY World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001, our government sought out the perpertrators, which soon led the attacking force, code name Jawbreaker, made up of Special Forces units from the CIA and Delta Force A and similar units from the UK and Germany, accompanied by as many as 2,000 Afghan troops whose loyalty to our cause was tenuous at best, to the Tora Bora Mountains in northeast Afghanistan near the fabled Khyber Pass, adjacent to the border of Pakistan, where their mission was to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden.
The initial attack commenced on December 3 and from December 12 to December 17, 2001, the Tora Bora enclave was besieged from all sides and carpet bombed by armadas of B-52’s of the US Air Force. What happened to Osama Bin Laden, a man with a supposed kidney ailment and possibly on dialysis? Our government said that he escaped unharmed and trekked his way across the snow covered passes through the White Mountains during a truce that was arranged between Al Qaeda and the Afghan units and successfully made his way into the tribal areas of Pakistan.
Following that fateful week in December of 2001, there have been numerous reports from different sources alleging that after Bin Ladens miraculous escape he settled in as many as a half dozen different countries or that he died a half dozen times under different and conflicting circumstances as well as there being a half dozen accounts by our own people as to what could have or should have been done.
There was also a report from Mossad, that was completely ignored, stating that Bin Laden did in fact die and is entombed somewhere in the Tora Bora wilderness, courtesy of the B-52 bombings. Why would our government give credence to a report from the Israelis? After all, the Israelis did provide information relative to the September 11, 2001 attack one month before it happened, which was also ignored.
So what did happen to Bin Laden? All evidence indicates that he was buried alive due to the US Air Force’s carpet bombing and remains there to this day under tons of dirt and rubble.
How could this be? We have heard numerous broadcasts and viewed any number of videos in which he delivered his messages and veiled threats. To be sure, there were a total of 30 of such broadcasts or videos between December of 2001 and January of 2011, yet none of them have ever, to this day, been voice print authenticated.
Why would our government lie to us and lead us to believe that he was still alive and up to his usual tricks? The answer is: if he was deemed to be dead then the public might lose interest in the war. On the other hand, if everyone thought he was still alive, all of our resources would then have to be augmented and directed towards his elimination. In other words it served our governments purpose by keeping him ‘alive’. Who would know about this? George Bush together with his closest advisors and the CIA.
Getting back to the videos reportedly made by Osama Bin Laden following the devastating carpet bombing of Tora Bora, they are noticeably absent of the one item that would ensure their authenticity, that of Osama Bin Laden holding up, in plain sight, a newspaper with the date of publication thereon that concurred with the airing of the video, for all to see. This never happened.
Why was it decided to make a concerted and all out effort to take down Osama Bin Laden almost ten years following the September 11, 2001 attack? Election Day was still one and a half years away but prospects for a renewed political success, at that time, were somewhat dim. What better way than to have a ‘picker upper’ to rejuvenate the voting public and restore its confidence in the present administration? Did Obama and his people suspect that Bin Laden might already be dead? Not likely.
A few words about the Navy Seals who are without a doubt among the most superbly trained and motivated fighting units that we have. Their integrity is beyond question. But can we say the same about those who they work for, and die if necessary?
So the plan was put into motion. Admiral William McRaven was in charge of the operation. Both he and a CIA officer (possibly the mysterious Maya from “Zero Dark Thirty”) met with the Commanding Officer of Seal Team 6 sometime in January of 2011, who was advised that they have a house under surveillance that is situated within a walled compound in Pakistan that may contain an important individual. The CO of Seal Team 6 had an idea what was coming down and asked if the individual was Bert or Ernie, referring to Bin Laden or al-Zawahiri. He was also told that they have convincing (but not conclusive) voice prints and that the target’s shadow was already measured by reconnaissance satellite, indicating that he was over six feet tall.
Preparations included the recreation of Bin Laden’s compound at the Tall Pines Army Facility to be used for rehearsals and practice runs. Four recon satellites placed in the proper orbits would keep the team informed of any changes that would affect the operation. The tall figure that was always observed walking up and down soon became known as the Pacer. As soon as President Obama gave the go-ahead order, Seal Team 6, the Jedi, was off to Afghanistan.
Initially the plan included air cover to be provided by four F-22 stealth fighters but this was cancelled. Instead, a Prowler aircraft would be used to jam the radar installations in Pakistan and to simulate false targets. Seal Team 6 and the Stealth Hawk helicopters, Razor 1 and Razor 2 together with two Chinook helicopters, one serving as Command Bird and the other as a lethal gun platform, would make their way to the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson upon completion of the operation.
Seal Team 6 was expecting to find not only Bin Laden but also three of his wives, two sons, a courier, at least four bodyguards and any number of children, all ascertained via satellite reconnaissance.
Fast forward to May 2, 2011, a moonless night with Palm Beach, the acronym for Bin Laden’s hideaway, already in sight through their night vision goggles. It is now 12:30 AM, local time in Abbottadad, Pakistan. The code name for the attack is Operation Neptune’s Spear with Bin Laden being referred to as Jackpot and upon his death or capture, Geronimo. As depicted in the excellent movie, “Zero Dark Thirty”, Razor 2 did crash with no casualties and had to be destroyed, avionics and all.
Within ninety seconds of the landing Osama Bin Laden, or someone who looked like him, is killed at the hands of the Navy Seals. He was hit twice and one of the rounds blew out the back of his head. The code reference, Geronomo Echo KIA, was phoned in via satellite to Washington, DC by the CO of Seal Team 6. The entire operation took only thirty eight minutes and was so precise that only twelve rounds were expended by Seal Team 6. Bin Laden’s body was photographed and had a DNA sample taken before put into a body bag for transport by the Command Bird to the USS Carl Vinson.
Why killed and not captured? The answer is simply that it was most likely, from the very get-go, a ‘kill mission’, a popular Washington, DC Beltway phrase. So who did the Navy Seals kill? They surely killed someone. Most likely it was one of Osama’s doubles or stand-ins that helped to keep him alive when he was alive and to continuously confuse his enemies as to his actual whereabouts. And what about the status of the few survivors of Bin Laden’s group such as his three surviving wives and some of his children? Where are they and why were they not interviewed by the press or anyone for that matter?
And why didn’t Al Qaeda respond to his ‘death’ with shrill cries of vengeance and threats of a renewed and more horrific Jihad to be inflicted upon the infidels? Perhaps because they had already accepted the fact that his body rests in some unmarked grave within the ToraBoraMountains.
The thing that is most puzzling is why the announcement of the operation was made by President Obama immediately after it took place? Based on the amount of computer files and hard drives supposedly confiscated and all of the valuable intel that it would reveal, wouldn’t it have been far better to make the announcement after all of the captured material had been analyzed and all of the leads tracked back and traced to their original sources to be investigated and pursued? You think? Perhaps the ‘picker upper’ was more needed at the time. And possibly the President and a handful of his closest advisors knew that Bin Laden did in fact meet his maker at Tora Bora and that all of the captured material was completely useless and obsolete because it was almost ten years old.
Operation Neptune’s Spear and everything that led up to it since September 11, 2001 probably cost our government in excess of one billion dollars. Perhaps one day the GAO will provide the American public with a definitive accounting.
When the details of the operation were released telling the world that no one outside the mission personnel would have access to the body of Bin Laden nor be permitted to photograph the body or collect DNA evidence, it became crystal clear, at least to me, that the entire operation was carefully staged by the CIA at the behest of the White House. When his body was subsequently and unceremoniously buried at sea, I was convinced more than ever.
Think about it.