I remember when I first heard the word ‘Watergate’.  That was before the term became synonymous with political skullduggery. It was an office complex in Washington, DC that was across the way from the Marriott that we stayed at many years ago during one of our trips to the capital. Since the Nixon days and the breaking into the Democratic Party offices, which were in the Watergate complex, the suffix of ‘gate’ has been added to and made part of almost every political scandal over the past forty years.

And now we have Bergdahlgate.  Why Bergdahlgate?  Because, to the best of my knowledge, no one has laid claim to using it in this instance. So what was he, a hero, a do-gooder who thought he was doing the right thing, a deserter or an out-and-out traitor? Or was he part of an elaborate plot by our administration to get him infiltrated into the Taliban, as his lawyer may very well claim – or was he just a poor little lamb who lost his way?  Or was it something in between?

Susan Rice, who is undoubtedly a lady with the smarts, has turned out to be a mere lackey of the administration by making public statements that are fed to her which only raise more questions.  First it was Benghazi and then it was Bergdahl where she said on the White House lawn,”……………….he served his country with honor and distinction……….. etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.”

Our administration looks towards those that it deals with for transparency. Transparency is a two edged sword. I think that the American public is sick and tired of secrets and lies and ongoing negotiations that are supposedly so sensitive (whatever they may be) that they can’t tell you about it until AFTER it is concluded.

Whatever Bergdahl’s punishment is or isn’t (and his sojourn with the Taliban was definitely not a cruise to sunny isles nor a trip to Club Med) the American public wants to know what really happened and the best way to get all of the facts out is with an airing of whatever investigation took place, which includes the testimony of his comrades in arms followed by an open trial or courts martial.  Unless the administration can make an air tight case that to do so will affect our national security, I say enough with the cover-ups.  Enough is enough.

There is a word that refers to this kind of subterfuge.  It is called “bullshit”.  You don’t believe me?  Look it up in Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd edition, published by Random House.

3 thoughts on “BERGDAHLGATE”

  1. Find and interview the Muslim clerics who dressed him in shrouds, according to Islamic law, and buried him at sea.
    People say the Hitler did not kill himself but escaped to South America and died of old age.
    Muslims say the holocaust never happened.
    Yeshiva boys say that the man on the moon never happened, it was a Hollywood backdrop.
    Pakistan did not want it known that they participated in killing Ben Laden.
    Was DNA samples taken from the corpse? That would be interesting.
    His 4 wives had insurance policies. They are paid to shut up.
    Years ago, Time Magazine reported that Seals had him in sight but Bill Clinton did not give the command to kill him.
    You may never get the truth.

  2. If you believe, I believe. I also had chopped alligator for lunch. I was very scaly. I believe believe.

  3. Bush didn’t fire a shot and the Syrians ran from Lebanon and Gaddafi gave up his wmd’s. The wmd’s Saddam used to gas the Kurds went to Syria and Assad used them on his people. Harry Reid would pick up his bribes at the Railroad Pass casino, half way to Vegas when Reid was on gaming board and no statue of limitaions for tax evasion. 25g’s from the Cleveland boys and I was told when Reid said ‘the war is lost’, the guy who paid Reid off, called him a coward and traitor to run his mouth like that for political grandstanding, putting our troops in harms way with Reid’s mouth. He then told me this, and how Bush didn’t fire a shot and now we got Iranian backed Hezbollah bombing the Jews in S. Israel. So when Reid said Romney didn’t pay his taxes, I posted on Reid’s and Obama’s Facebook that Reid took bribes and better shut up. My bro in laws bro in laws brother was John Nardi in Cleveland. Here’s a picture of Peanuts with the fellas…I also told this to James Carville to his face 8/23/12 flying back to Ohio at McCarren Airport and I told James to tell Harry to shut up.

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