
Last month I attended the funeral services of Stan Irwin, a long time friend.  Rabbi Jerry Cutler was there to conduct the services following which we had a very brief discourse on religion wherein I stated that since the beginning of recorded time more people have been killed due to religion, or more specifically due to the differences in religion, than from all other causes combined.  His response was simply, “Think about how much worse the world would be without religion.”  I chose to let it go at that.

Yet every day, wherever I look, whatever TV news program I watch, whatever publication I read – the insanity that is so pervasive across our planet is taking us on a one way ticket back to the ‘dark’ and ‘middle’ ages.

It is impossible for sane people to comprehend that in this day and age there are vast areas on our planet (with a number of individuals among us) where they actually preach and practice this insanity wherein fanatical religion is the order of the day.  And to differ with this insanity could easily, if not now, then surely later on, lead to your death.


Forty four years ago John Lennon released the single, “IMAGINE”.  Listen to the melody and more importantly, the words.  Those words, which were written years ahead of their time, have more meaning today than ever before.

Enough is enough is enough.

This is not an anti-religion essay.  It is an anti-insanity essay that targets those people who claim that their GOD is the only true GOD or that their GOD is bigger than your GOD and if you don’t believe in their GOD, then you will be (fill in your own words).

The very first amendment (one of the cornerstones on which our great country is based on) to the United States Constitution says, “…prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion….”

If you agree with this essay, pass it on and maybe, just maybe, it will get
to the right people.

4 thoughts on “Insanity”

  1. Stan, what are you talking about? 73 Million killed in WWII, 39 Million killed in WWI, 700,000 killed in the American Civil War, 40 Million killed by Stalin, 40 Million killed by Mao. And all nothing to do with religion. So what religious wars are you talking about. If anything religion has kept us from more wars. IMAGINE, “imagine no possessions” etc. words of childish naive fantasy. So what are you talking about?

  2. There are so many religions each with their own God.
    They can’t all be right
    Somebody must be going to Hell

  3. Sane or insane, are perspectives in which the thinking mind chooses whats right or wrong, good or bad. Whats sane to me might not be for you, simply because you don’t understand or believe in what Im saying.All religion is fear based, In this base is death or to die. The heaven and hell is very griping for those who do believe in a heaven or hell. It consumes and controls what one believes, in how you live your life. Every religion has a to do, or not do list. If you agree, you will live. To not agree, is certain death. People are afraid, to live life in all of lives questions and challenges. Saying some one ells is wrong and you are right is death. This also means that you are wrong, based on the factor you will change your mind.God is and only can be love. Fear is what creates death.

  4. I think there are vast areas in this country fundamental religion is dangerous. Look at what’s going on in Indiana
    The south uses religion to cover racism and sexism etc
    Let’s not get into the profitability and tax dodging. There’s that televangelist who tried to get his followers to buy him a new jet
    Religion is good but the greed and power and business of religion is horrible

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