Donald Trump – What the F#$@#?

That was an unfinished line from a TV commercial a few months ago, wherein a well known British actor/comedian began to blurt out the popular expletive but was rudely interrupted by hand grenades exploding in the background.  Jump ahead a few months and we can easily ask ourselves the same question, be the expletive finished or unfinished.

When I was a kid and if we wanted to make a point with an “or else” attached to it, we would face down our opponent by saying, “I’m going to count up to three”.  Knowing full well the consequences as well as the makeup of the opponent who is threatened with an, “or else”, we would invariably continue the countdown thusly: “One” (the response is a sneer of disbelief), “one and a half” (no reaction this time), “one and three quarters” (still no reaction), “two – I mean it” (blank stare), “two and a quarter – I really mean it” (only a smile), “two and a half – this time I really mean it”, and so on and so forth.

Isn’t that exactly what has been going on between our nuclear negotiators and Iran?  Face it.  They must be laughing their heads off at us.

Under the same heading as, WHAT THE F…………., I usually consider myself as well informed but this time I was ‘asleep at the wheel’ when I heard the term, “Sanctuary Cities”.  So what did I do?  I Googled it, naturally.  And what I found out literally blew me away.

I realize that politics being what it is, many politicians will unwittingly and sometimes intentionally prostitute themselves in order to gain easy but questionable votes which in turn metastasize into vicious merry-go-rounds that cannot be stopped and from which there is no easy way to get off.  But what we have in this instance is absolute insanity and the utmost in political stupidity.  What is the point of having any laws when we can slowly but surely slide into total anarchy?  You don’t believe me?  Look up, “Sanctuary Cities”, and decide for yourself.

Under the same heading – the only problem seems to be that the man likes to ‘shoot from the hip’.  Who am I talking about?  Donald Trump, who else?  You may not like him but he does deliver one hell of a message.  What’s more, because he is a self made zillionaire (with a little help from Mr. Trump, Sr.) he doesn’t or shouldn’t have to take any crap from Wall Street, the professional politicians, the establishment (whoever they are) or the media.  In other words he can easily afford to tell it like it is which is a different approach from what we normally get.  It is time for a change and Donald Trump may be the one to bring it about.

A lot of people are starting to say that they like him because he does tell it like it is without all of the usual political bullshit.  Perhaps.  But he should aim at what he shoots at and he should shoot at what he aims at.  In the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department we were taught never to shoot from the hip, like they do in the movies, but rather to carefully select your target and then take careful aim.  If Donald Trump can do this he may be our man.

Either as a Republican or as an Independent he would first have to get elected.  Most of the so-called political experts are either not aware or simply refuse to admit that a Presidential election is no different than a gigantic popularity, or notoriety, contest.  I have a suspicion that Donald Trump is aware of this concept and should he pursue it, he could turn out to be the ultimate “Obamanator”.  Even if he didn’t win the election, he could become a rallying point or a voice for every one out there who is sick and tired of the same old bullshit day after day that is promulgated by politicians interested in only two things, fund raising and the inevitable bloc voting in their district.

Will the comments made in todays email blast raise some eyebrows or perhaps generate some responses, even negative ones?  I sure as hell hope so.

9 thoughts on “Donald Trump – What the F#$@#?”

  1. I think The Donald is being underestimated by people who should know better–such as, Charles Krauthammer. Anyone who can accomplish what this man has accomplished is perfectly capable of the succeeding where others will fail. He does it every day.

  2. You are absolutely right! To make noise in Brownsville where you and I grew we used to curse like mad but we never did it on a national stage! You told it like it was. Trump used his Dad’s money to make his fortune. He did build an empire but it was started for him not like you or me or most of our brethren in the good old ghetto of Brownsville!


  3. I have been reading you for some months
    But today you hit the nail on the head!
    Thank you

  4. I’m incredulous that you would think Donald Trump is a credible candidate to run our country. The man’s got no social etiquette, he maligns entire cultures, and he’s arrogant and disrepectful. How in the h____ could you even say something so idiotic?

  5. This guy is a fuckin psychopath….he thinks the world revolves around him. He would use the white house

    for promoting…TRUMP. I would go with almost any republican other than this maniac. Is Rush Limbaugh supporting him for the presidency. If he gets nominated, I will take you and Marilyn out for dinner.

    By the way….I am feeling great and hoping to see you and the Solovays on your trip to nyc.

  6. You are an engaging and stimulating scribe.
    My personal opinion is that Trump has no intention, zero, zilch of a plan to become president.
    I do not think he would or could tolerate having to take orders, follow protocol, or be accountable. My guess is that a billionaire president would be the worst thing in the world for America.
    We need people with home grown values, who care for everyone, not just themselves and not just their economic strata.
    We need someone with a vision. Someone who sees a better way than what we’ve been doing and not a desire to restore what has already been proven not to work.
    Finally, we need someone with love and laughter in their heart. A love for humanity and laughter for what is ridiculous and undoable for America.
    Is this person on the political landscape? Has he or she even yet been born? I have no idea. Let’s hope to God so.

  7. Well, I’m all for Donald Trump’s attempting to throw his hat into the ring — or perhaps his hair. Anything or anyone that will rid us of
    Obama and the forthcoming Hillary — bad news all the way around. There’s another potential candidate named Bernie Sanders from
    Vermont. He’s Jewish, about 73 and has hair that’s under control. Brylcreem, a little dab will do ya!!!

  8. Thanks Stan: Well written! We truly enjoy reading the View from over Here. The Samboys from EDH

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